To date, enrollment for the upcoming sections of Multiculturalism in the Marketplace has grown by 60% to full capacity with a waitlist.
The program is quickly becoming a thought leadership hub for the business community. Our engaged board of advisors and community partners are committed to providing hands-on class projects, internships, mentorship, and job opportunities while fostering a professional community for those committed to diversity in marketing. Our CLIK Consumer Behavior Research Conference disseminates new, applicable research while helping attract new faculty interested in studying and teaching multicultural marketing. In return, businesses are gaining early access to diverse talent and cutting-edge research.
Thoughtfully planned and integrated multicultural marketing programs are a promising response to the resounding chorus calling to increase the focus on culture in marketing. By highlighting the importance of multicultural marketing at the undergraduate level, programs like this validate the next generation’s experiences with multiculturalism by preparing a diverse workforce for a diverse marketplace. Linking business and academic communities in this pursuit ensures research agendas align with business needs and future marketing leaders are well positioned to make a lasting impact.